Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Stationary lead-acid batteries are used for direct current sources in telecommunication systems and energy facilities, as well as for various uninterruptible power supply installations. The scope of application of the batteries in question has a wide range: from solar power plants to power stations. The rooms in which the working batteries are placed must maintain the following conditions: the space must be closed, but well ventilated, and the ambient temperature must be in the range from -15C to 45 C.

Model: 12-57 VR X VR X 12-63, 12-68 VR X VR X 12-88, 12-102 VR X VR X 12-114, 12-142 VR X VR X 12-153, 12-166 VR X VR X-FT 12-90, VR X-FT 12-115, VR X-FT 12-170, VR X-FT 12-180, no 2-215 V L, V L 2-270, 2-325 V L, V L 2-390, 2-470 V L, V L 2-550, 2-690 V L, V L 2-805, V L 2-920, V L 2-1035, 2-1150 V L, V L 2-1265, 2-1380 V L, V L 2-1610, 2-1880 V L, V L 2-2015, 2-2150 V L, V L 2-2420, 2-2555 V L, V L 2-2690, 2-2960 V L, V L 2-3095, 2-3230 V L, V L 2-3500, 12-50 V L, V L 12-100, 12-150 V L, V L 6-200, 6-250 V L, V L 6-300, VR 40 M, M VR 60, VR 80 M, 100 M VR, 120 M VR, VR 140 M 160 M VR, VR 180 M 200 M VR, VR 235 M, VR 265 M, 300 M VR, VR 333 M, VR 367 M, 400 M VR, VR 433 M, VR 45 L, 66 L VR, VR 90 L 110 L VR, VR L 132, 154 L VR, VR L 176, 198 L VR, VR L 222, 259 L VR, VR L 296, 333 L VR, VR 370 L VR 407 L, L 444 VR, VR 481 L 518 L VR, VR 12-50 M, M 12-60 VR, VR 12-80 M, M 12-100 VR, VR 12-110 M, M 12-130 VR, VR M 12-140, 6-170 VR M VR M 6-220, VR M 2-230, 2-330 VR M VR M 2-400, VR 2-600 M, M 2-800 VR, VR M 2-1000, 121200 HC, HC 121600, 122000 HC, HC 122400, 122800 HC, HC 123200, 123800 HC, HC 124200, HC 125300, net.power 12 V 92, net.power 12 V 100, net.power 12 V 150, net.power 12 V 170 V M 2-125, 2-170 V M, V M 2-210, 2-250 V M, V M 2-290, 2-330 V M, V M 2-370, 2-410 V M, V M 2-440, 2-360 V M, V M 2-450, 2-540 V M, V M 2-630, 2-720 V M, V M 2-810, 2-900 V M, V M 2-990, 2-1080 V M, V M 2-1170, 2-1260 V M, V M 2-1350, 2-1440 V M, V M 2-1530, 2-1590 V M, V M 2-1700, 2-1810 V M, V M 2-1920, 2-2140 V M, V M 2-2560, 2-2780 V M, V M 2-3000, 2-3220 V M, V M 2-3440, 2-3660 V M, V M 2-3880, 6-50 V M, V M 6-100, 6-150 V M, V M 6-200, V H 2-130, 2-175 V H, V H 2-220, 2-265 V H, V H 2-310, 2-355 V H, V H 2-400, 2-445 V H, V H 2-490, 2-410 V H, V H 2-510, V H 2-610, 2-710 V H, V H 2-810, 2-910 V H, V H 2-1010, 2-1120 V H, V H 2-1220, 2-1320 V H, V H 2-1420, 2-1520 V H, V H 2-1620, 2-1720 V H, V H 2-1740, 2-1860 V H, V H 2-1980, 2-2100 V H, V H 2-2340, 2-2820 V H, V H 2-3060, 2-3300 V H, V H 2-3540, 2-3780 V H, V H 2-4020, 2-4260 V H, V H 6-20, 6-40 H V, 6-60 V H, V H 6-80, 6-100 V H, V H 6-110, 6-130 V H, V H 6-160, V H 6-200, 4-230 V H, V H 4-260, FNC 17 L, FNC 35 L 50 L FNC, FNC 70 L 22 L FNC, FNC 45 L, 66 L FNC, FNC 90 L 110 L FNC, FNC 132 L 154 L FNC, FNC 176 L, FNC 198 L, 222 L FNC, FNC L 259, 296 L FNC, FNC L 333, 370 L FNC, FNC 407 L, L 444 FNC, FNC 481 L 518 L FNC, FNC 560 L, L FNC 605, 660 L FNC, FNC 715 L, 770 L FNC, FNC 825 L L 880 FNC, FNC 935 L, L 990 FNC, FNC 1045 L, 1100 L FNC, FNC 20 M, 40 M, FNC, FNC 60 M, 80 M, FNC, FNC 100 M FNC 120 M, FNC 140 M 160 M FNC, FNC 180 M, 200 M, FNC, FNC 235 M, FNC 265 M, FNC 300 M, FNC 340 M, 375 M, FNC, FNC 415 M, 450 M, FNC, FNC 12 H, 23 H FNC, FNC 35 H, 46 H FNC, FNC 58 H, FNC 69 H, 80 H, FNC, FNC 93 H 104 H FNC, FNC 115 H, 125 H FNC, FNC 135 H, FNC 140 H FNC 160 H, FNC 180 H 200 H FNC, FNC 220 H, 240 H FNC, FNC 14 X 28 X FNC, FNC 47 X 66 X FNC, FNC 85 X 20 X FNC, FNC 39 X 65 X FNC, FNC 91 X 117 X FNC, FNC 130 X 142 X FNC, FNC 153 X 165 X FNC, FNC 177 X 189 X FNC, FNC 200 X 12-80 VR, VR 12-110, 12-150 VR, VR 12-170, VR 12-100 FT 19", 23 FT 12-100 VR" VR 12-150 FT, FT 12-180 VR, VR 12-200 FT.


All Hoppecke products

The group «New Technologies» offers products from the plant Hoppecke: traction accumulators and accumulator systems, stationary accumulators and accumulator systems, buffer accumulators
  • Traction batteries and battery systems Hoppecke
    Traction batteries and battery systems
    HPZS, HPZB, etc.
  • Stationary batteries and battery systems Hoppecke
    Stationary batteries and battery systems
    Power, Xtreme, etc.
  • Buffer batteries and battery systems Hoppecke
    Buffer batteries and battery systems
    Sun power, etc.
  • Railway batteries Hoppecke
    Railway batteries
    FNC, HNCS, etc.
  • Auxiliary tools Hoppecke
    Auxiliary tools
    Systemizer, fusebox, etc.

About Hoppecke

Hoppecke is a battery factory opened in 1927 in the village of Hoppecke (Germany) by engineer Karl Zellner. Now the company occupies a leading position in the market in Europe, supplying batteries to factories for all manufacturers of warehouse equipment.
  • principle

    The company is responsible for the careful use of the entrusted resources: people, capital, time, the environment, as well as raw materials, taking into account social aspects and promoting clean processes, technologies and products.

    Hoppecke sees its mission in developing and implementing the right energy solution for the customer and all his problems. We achieve this because we are the only ones in the market who deeply and fully understand the needs of customers.
  • ecology

    In the interests of environmental protection, we focus on the development of environmentally friendly and energy-efficient products and service solutions, waste prevention, return and recycling.

Information Board Hoppecke

Learn more about our products Hoppecke.
  • Questionnaire production Hoppecke


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